Biote Pellet Therapy
When it comes to bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) pellets, the Biote Method of pellet therapy is the preferred choice among more than 7,100 physicians. When a patient decides to start the Biote Method of pellet therapy, they may receive as few as two subcutaneous pellet insertions per year—and any needed hormone will be readily available when the body requires it. Piece of Cake providers are Biote Certified to assist in decisions regarding appropriate therapy. Our providers are trained to complete the procedure to insert hormone pellets identical to hormones in the human body.
During an in-office visit, a patient is brought into the exam room, and the insertion site, usually somewhere around the upper buttocks, is numbed. A small incision is made, and the hormone pellet is inserted. Afterward, the insertion site is covered with a small bandage. The pellet dissolves, and the body absorbs the contents, leaving nothing behind. Every patient’s symptoms are unique, so each journey is customized to fit their needs. Patients report seeing improvement in as little as four weeks, but full optimization can take up to six months. Many patients report feeling the benefits after the second insertion.